Writing response papers
Topics Persuasive Research Paper
Monday, August 24, 2020
District School and School Boundary Research Paper
Region School and School Boundary - Research Paper Example A few schools or regions utilize an elective term for this class and for the most part allude to it as go-between school or middle school. Middle schools generally allude to schools that overwhelms grade seven through nine, while halfway schools spread evaluations three through five or some of the time when these evaluations are isolated from primary schools. At long last, the secondary school class that incorporates grades nine through twelve. Once in a while it might fuse grade seven or more. There are various situations where secondary school covers just grades ten to twelve, and this class is now and again viewed as senior secondary school. All classifications of the schools that have been talked about in this are answerable for the administration of region schools. State funded schools are open learning foundations that are overseen by school regions that are freely initiated subordinate educational systems or particular reason governments. These administration frameworks are co ntrolled and firmly administered by neighborhood and state government (Suzanne and O'Neill, 2007). Quite, region schools are never meddled with by the nation’s politic since they are legitimately autonomous body corporate and politic (Daniel and Aladjem, 2006). Region learning foundations or the area schools are viewed as neighborhood government that have indistinguishable orders and powers from those of a province or township that incorporate famous space and tax assessment. Notwithstanding, the Virginia area divisions include burdening framework inside its region authority; in this way, depends it must look for help of other nearby governments including city, province, or town experts for financing the school. The region school administering body is ordinarily chosen through the immediate democratic framework. In any case, the whole administering organ can be delegated by authorities inside the administration (Suzanne and O'Neill, 2007). The area school administering body o therwise called partners incorporate educational committee, leading body of training, leading body of trustees, school panel, neighborhood educational committees, locale pioneers, region responsibility advisory group, school pioneers, and school responsibility board of trustees. The administrator is named by this body. Typically, an accomplished pubic school chairman is named in the situation of the director. The superintendent’s capacities are compared to those of regions CEO. That is conveying and executing everyday’s dynamic and actualizing the foundations approaches and systems. Also, the educational committee might be ordered with obligation, for example, semi legal capacities in issues identifying with a genuine understudy or worker discipline matters (Tierney and Fairchild, 2011). All the partners inside the educational system have fluctuates duties; therefore, they are relied upon to be responsible and strong along their lines of obligation. Other than the refe renced over, the area school partners likewise incorporate the guardians (Suzanne and O'Neill, 2007). Each partner has its own distinctive commitment to the school achievement. The Education Department is answerable for guaranteeing that great data is given to fluctuated partners including the understudies, particularly concerning the school and locale execution. This office is commanded to assessing the exhibition of every single government funded school, locale, and states applying the as of now specified arrangement of regular scholastic execution pointers (Tierney and
Saturday, August 22, 2020
A Guide to Understanding Homeschool Laws
A Guide to Understanding Homeschool Laws Self-teaching has been legitimate in each of the 50 U.S. states since 1993. As indicated by the Homeschool Legal Defense Association, home training was unlawful in many states as of late as the mid 1980’s. By 1989, just three states, Michigan, North Dakota, Iowa, despite everything considered self-teaching a wrongdoing. Strangely, of those three states, two of them, Michigan and Iowa, are today recorded among the states with the least prohibitive self-teaching laws. In spite of the fact that self-teaching is currently lawful over the United States, each state is liable for drafting its own self-teach laws, which implies that what must be done to legitimately self-teach fluctuates relying upon where a family lives. A few states are exceptionally controlled, while others place scarcely any limitations on self-teaching families. Self-teach Legal Defense Association keeps up a cutting-edge database on the self-teaching laws in each of the fifty states. Terms to Know When Considering Homeschool Laws To the individuals who are new to self-teaching, the wording utilized in homeschoolâ laws might be new. A portion of the essential terms you have to know include: Obligatory participation: This alludes to the ages youngsters are required to be in some sort of school setting. In many states that characterize a mandatory participation age for homeschoolers, the base is as a rule between the ages of 5 and 7. The most extreme is for the most part between the ages of 16 and 18. Revelation (or Notice) of Intent: Many states require that self-teaching families present a yearly notification of aim to self-teach to either the state or province school director. The substance of this notification can change by state, however as a rule incorporates the names and periods of the self-taught youngsters, the personal residence, and the parent’s signature. Long stretches of guidance: Most states determine the quantity of hours or potentially days of the year during which kids ought to get guidance. A few, similar to Ohio, state 900 hours of guidance for each year. Others, for example, Georgia, indicate four and one-half hours out of each day for 180 days each school year. Portfolio: Some states offer a portfolio choice instead of government sanctioned testing or expert assessment. A portfolio is an assortment of archives illustrating your student’s progress each school year. It might incorporate records, for example, participation, grades, courses finished, work tests, photographs of activities, and grades. Extension and grouping: A degree and succession is a rundown of points and ideas that an understudy will learn all through the school year. These ideas are typically separated by subject and grade level. Government sanctioned test: Many states require that self-teach understudies step through broadly normalized exams at ordinary interims. The tests that meet each state’s prerequisites may change. Umbrella schools/spread schools: Some states give the alternative for self-taught understudies to join up with an umbrella or spread school. This might be a real non-public school or basically an association built up to help self-teaching families consent to the lawsâ in their state. Understudies are instructed at home by their folks, however the spread school keeps up records for their enlisted understudies. The records required by spread schools change dependent on the laws of the state in which they are found. These archives are put together by guardians and may incorporate participation, test scores, and grades. Some umbrella schools assist guardians with picking educational program and offer transcripts, confirmations, and graduation services. States with the Most Restrictive Homeschool Laws States that are commonly viewed as exceptionally managed for self-teaching families include: MassachusettsNew YorkPennsylvaniaRhode IslandVermont Regularly viewed as one of the most directed states, New York’s self-teaching laws necessitate that guardians turn in a yearly guidance plan for every understudy. This arrangement must incorporate data, for example, the name, age, and grade level of the understudy; the educational plan or reading material you mean to utilize; and the name of the instructing guardian. The state requires yearly government sanctioned testing in which understudies ought to be at or over the 33rd percentile or show a full evaluation level improvement from the past year. New York additionally records explicit subjects that guardians must train their kids at different evaluation levels. Pennsylvania, another profoundly directed state,â offers three alternatives for self-teaching. Under the self-teach resolution, all guardians must present a legally approved oath to self-teach. This structure incorporates data about inoculations and clinical records, alongside criminal personal investigations. Self-teaching guardian Malena H., who lives in Pennsylvania, says that in spite of the fact that the state is â€Å"†¦considered one of the states with the most elevated regulations†¦it truly isnt that terrible. It sounds overpowering when you catch wind of the considerable number of necessities, however once you have done it once it is pretty easy.†She says, â€Å"In third, fifth and eighth grades the understudy needs to step through a normalized exam. There is an assortment to browse, and they can even do some of them at home or on the web. You should save a portfolio for every youngster that has a couple of tests for each subject educated and the consequences of the state administered test if the kid is in one of the testing years. Toward the year's end, you discover an evaluator to survey the portfolio and approve it. You at that point send the evaluator’s report to the school district.†States with Moderately Restrictive Homeschool Laws While most states necessitate that the training guardian have at any rate a secondary school confirmation or GED, a few, for example, North Dakota,â require that the instructing guardian have a showing degree or be observed for at any rate two years by a guaranteed instructor. That reality puts North Dakotaâ on the rundown of thoseâ considered to be modestly prohibitive with respect to their self-teach laws. Those states include: ColoradoFloridaHawaiiLouisianaMaineMarylandMinnesotaNew HampshireNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOhioOregonSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeVirginiaWashingtonWest Virginia North Carolina is frequently viewed as a troublesome state wherein to self-teach. It requires keeping up participation and vaccination records for every youngster. North Carolina likewise necessitates that youngsters complete broadly government sanctioned tests every year. Other tolerably managed states that require yearly government sanctioned testing include Maine, Florida, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Ohio, South Carolina, Virginia, Washington, and West Virginia. (A portion of these states do offer option self-teaching alternatives that may not require yearly testing.) Numerous states offer more than one choice to legitimately self-teach. Tennessee, for instance, at present has five alternatives, including three umbrella schools choices and one for separation learning (online classes). Heather S., a self-teaching guardian from Ohio, says that Ohio homeschoolers mustâ submit a yearly letter of plan and aâ summary of their planned educational program, andâ agree to finish 900 hoursâ of instruction every year. At that point, atâ the end of every year, families â€Å"†¦.can do state-affirmed testing or have a portfolio surveyed and present the outcomes... Youngsters must test over the 25th percentile on state sanctioned tests or show movement in their portfolio. Virginia self-teaching mother, Joesette, thinks of her as state self-teaching laws sensibly simple to follow. She says guardians must â€Å"†¦file a Notice of Intent every year by August 15, at that point gracefully something to show progress toward the year's end (by August 1). This can be a government sanctioned test, scoring in any event in the fourth stanine, aâ [student] portfolio†¦.or an assessment letter by an affirmed evaluator.†Then again, Virginia guardians can record a Religious Exemption. States with Minimally Restrictive Homeschool Laws Sixteen U.S. states are considered insignificantly prohibitive. These include:â AlabamaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaDelawareGeorgiaKansasKentuckyMississippiMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew MexicoUtahWisconsinWyoming Georgia requires a yearly Declaration of Intent to be documented by September 1, every year, or inside 30 days of the date you at first start self-teaching. Youngsters must step through a broadly normalized exam at regular intervals beginning in third level. Guardians are required to compose a yearly advancement report for every understudy. Both the testâ scores and progress reportsâ are to be kept on document however are not required to be submitted to anybody. In spite of the fact that Nevada is on the insignificantly prohibitive rundown, Magdalena A., who self-teaches her youngsters in the state says that it is, â€Å"†¦homeschooling heaven. The law states onlyâ one guideline: when a kid turns seven...a notification of goal to self-teach ought to be documented. That is it, for the remainder of that childs life. No portfolios. No registration. No testing.†California self-teaching mother, Amelia H. traces her state’s self-teaching choices. â€Å"(1) Home examination choice through theâ school region. Material is given and week by week or month to month registration are required. A few regions give classes to home examination kids as well as permit children to take a few classes nearby. (2) Charter schools. Every one is set up distinctively yet they all take into account homeschoolers and give financing to mainstream educational plan and extracurricular exercises through merchant programs†¦Some necessitate that children fulfill state guidelines; others essentially request indications of ‘value-included development. Most require state testing yet a bunch will permit guardians to produce a portfolio as a year-end evaluation. (3) File as an autonomous school. [Parents must]â state the educational program objectives toward the beginning of the school year†¦Getting a high s
Friday, July 17, 2020
Withdrawal From Drug Addiction
Withdrawal From Drug Addiction Addiction Coping and Recovery Overcoming Addiction Print Withdrawal From Drug Addiction By Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Elizabeth Hartney, BSc, MSc, MA, PhD is a psychologist, professor, and Director of the Centre for Health Leadership and Research at Royal Roads University, Canada. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on February 06, 2020 Tom Merton / Getty Images More in Addiction Coping and Recovery Overcoming Addiction Methods and Support Personal Stories Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Nicotine Use If you’re considering withdrawal from addiction to an opioid (also called opiate) drug â€" a prescription painkiller such as oxycodone or illegal narcotics such as heroin â€" you probably know that you have a difficult time ahead. But you may not know how much help for drug withdrawal is out there, ready when you are to help you achieve your goal. You’ll find important information here to start you on your way. Note: When the word “drug†appears in this article, it means an opioid drug. What Causes Drug Withdrawal Symptoms? Using opioids over a long period of time changes how the nerve cells in your brain work. They start needing the drug just to do their normal tasks, and when they stop getting it, especially “cold turkey,†they don’t like it. They let you know this by triggering the symptoms of withdrawal. How Uncomfortable Are Drug Withdrawal Symptoms? Drug withdrawal generally isn’t life-threatening, but becoming drug addicted does set you up for possibly very uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. It’s good to know about and prepare for them ahead of time, so you’re less tempted to give up and backslide into your addiction. Drug Withdrawal: Phase 1. During the first 24 hours or so, you can expect to experience the following symptoms: AnxietyMuscle achesRunny noseTearing eyesRestlessnessSleeplessnessExcessive yawning Excessive sweating Drug Withdrawal: Phase 2. As you continue your withdrawal, you’ll likely experience: Rapid heartbeat High blood pressureDiarrheaNausea and vomitingAbdominal crampsDilated pupils (and possibly blurred vision) No question, you’ll be uncomfortable during this time. But dont give up! Your symptoms should start to improve after about 72 hours â€" and you can look forward to feeling much better, close to your normal self, after about a week. Drug Withdrawal: Phase 3. As you “settle in†to your withdrawal experience, you may also experience some long-term withdrawal symptoms or, more properly, withdrawal issues, since they tend to be expressed by emotions and behaviors. Main Withdrawal Methods First, understand that successful drug withdrawal starts with support. You shouldn’t be alone in your struggle, which can be dangerous if an emergency arises. Detoxification (“Detoxâ€) Facilities. Here’s where you can get all the support you need, not only for your drug withdrawal but also for your general health. In a detox facility, you’re: Safe, with trained people around to take care of youFollowing a personalized treatment planMonitored by medical professionals and given treatment when needed for symptoms or complicationsHelped to follow a healthy daily routine, including staying hydrated and eating properlyProvided with constant encouragement along with help planning how you’ll continue your recovery when you leave the facility At-Home Withdrawal. For some people, drug withdrawal at a detox facility isn’t the first choice because of, for example, real or imagined loss of social status, inconvenience, financial problems, or fears about the level of comfort (or even about the other patients). If that sounds like you or someone close to you, withdrawal at home may be an option, as long as you’re not alone and you keep handy 1) your doctor’s contact information (including an out-of-office phone number) and 2) the numbers of friends, family members, and other healthcare professionals you may need to reach quickly. Of course, don’t forget 911 in an emergency. Here are some tips for withdrawing from drug addiction at home: Stock up on foods and beverages you like â€" especially beverages. It’s very important not to let yourself become dehydrated during this time. If you do, you could end up in the hospital. Of course, drink plenty of water. You might also consider electrolyte-replacing drinks, such as Gatorade or even Pedialyte. You can also use over-the-counter (OTC) medications and products to help you cope with your symptoms. These include: Loperamide (Imodium) for diarrhea (which contributes to dehydration)Meclizine (Bonine or Antivert) or dimenhydrinate (Dramamine) for nauseaAcetaminophen (Tylenol) or an NSAID such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) for relief from muscle pain Just be sure to take these products only as directed and never more than the recommended dose. If they aren’t doing enough to relieve your symptoms, contact your doctor. What Else Should I Know? Do everything you can to feel safe and comfortable. Have lots of enjoyable distractions around, such as movies, books, and video games; a fan for if you start sweating a lot; and extra bedding, for the same reason. If you’re alone in your home or apartment, make sure that someone close to you knows you’re starting the withdrawal process and that he or she will check on you at least once a day.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Different Parenting Styles - 1200 Words
Developmental Psychology 10/2/12 I think so many factors influence parenting. I would like to start this off with one of the most important factors I think that influence parenting, and that is having a child unplanned and not being ready for it versus planning for a child and being ready for it. I am a little old fashioned when it comes to certain things and especially when I think of how I would raise my child. I do not have one, and I am a lesbian. I am not sure when I will have one, but I want to with a potential partner, hopefully she can carry or we can adopt as well. When I say I am a little old fashioned I guess I am referring to how I would raise my child. When I see the way my friends act with their kids, I do not think†¦show more content†¦I also think some children play electronics too much, there is nothing wrong with them playing it by all means, but I think some parents stick them on it so they don’t have to deal with them. Another big issue is many parents get mad at their children because when it’s during the school season, some young children don’t like to do homework. When I was younger my dad taught me my alphabets, math, emergency numbers, and address at a very young age. My dad always bought me coloring books, pencils, and papers to keep me busy. We had a Nintendo system, but I barely used it. Even though my parents didn’t speak English or learn the things I did in school they would still try their best to help me or find me help. People cannot expect for their children to love studying and working with school materials if you don’t support them and work with them. When I have my child, I plan to paint and color with them all the time. It’s so important to be active with children especially when they are young and their brains are developing. Communication and patience is the key with children. Also the right amount of emotion and love is very important. I know raising children is not easy that’s why it’s not meant for everyone. And planning ahead I think makes a huge difference. My friends tell me when I talk about what I would do with my kid they tell me I am mean and crazy and I amShow MoreRelatedThe Different Parenting Styles1024 Words  | 5 PagesParenting styles have been described as the collection of parents’ behaviors which create an atmosphere of parent-child interaction across situation (Mize and Petit, 1997). Darling and Steinberg (1993) defined parenting style as â€Å"a constellation of attitudes toward the child that are communicated to the child and that, taken together, create an emotional climate in which the parents’ behaviors have expressed.†Despite these challenges, researchers have uncovered convincing links between parentingRead MoreThe Different Styles Of Par enting Essay1098 Words  | 5 PagesThe two different styles of parenting that are described in the book are concerted cultivation and natural growth. Concerted cultivation is typically seen in the middle class families. Whereas natural growth is mainly seen in the working class families. The book defines concerted cultivation as having â€Å"Organized activities, established and controlled by mothers and fathers†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Lareau, 2011, p.1). And it defines natural growth as having â€Å"children experience long stretches of leisure time, child-initiatedRead MoreDifferent Styles Of Parenting Styles1708 Words  | 7 PagesSilicon Valley. (Hogan and Haskell, 2). Most of today’s kids have one of the following types of parents: Indulgent, Authoritative, Neglectful, Authoritarian*. These are generally regarded as the four main types of parenting. These four styles of parenting are the stereotypical parenting styles most people identify one or both of their parents as. Indulgent parents tend to coddle their children and protect them from disappointment. Authoritative parents are people who have reasonable demands and rulesRead MoreDifferent Types Of Parenting Styles1495 Words  | 6 PagesParenting styles have been described by Diana Baumrind into four categories, authoritative, authoritarian, neglectful, and indulgent parenting (Santrok 461). Parenting styles can be defined as patterns of attitudes in how parents choose to express and communicate with their children. This paper will examine the different type of parenting styles as it relates to ethnicity and various cultures. What exactly is ethnicity and culture? The Oxford Dictionary defines ethnicity as â€Å"the fact or state ofRead MoreDifferent Types Of Parenting Styles880 Words  | 4 Pagesaround and observe our everyday life we will notice that we see many different types of parenting styles. Many parents create their own parenting style based on important factors like cultu re, education, and religion. Generally there are two main types of parenting style proposed. These two styles seem alike but are very much different from each other. Strict parent and the not so strict parent. The two approaches towards parenting differ from each other and this is why. There are some parentsRead MoreDifferent Parenting Styles Essay923 Words  | 4 PagesThere are many different ways of parenting children. Some are more favorable than others and some can even damage one’s emotional future, causing problems such as anxiety, unhappiness, and other low self-esteem issues. Although there are four distinct parenting styles, many parents are often somewhere in between a couple on the scale. My parents often took to the authoritative style, which is known currently as the most successful approach. The authoritative parent is involved in their child’s lifeRead MoreThe Effects of Different Parenting Styles1075 Words  | 4 Pagesmaster new abilities independently. However there is extensive research linking healthy child development to effective parenting. Children excel when parents provide not only communication, but also affection and listening. Even though parenting style plays a crucial role in the development of a child, almost 70% of parents do not have a sense of awareness when it comes to their own style and how it affects their children. In the UK, with the introduction of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 and Anti-SocialRead MoreDifferent Types Of Parenting Styles Essay2254 Words  | 10 PagesAbstract As we all know each person is different. Each person is raised differently. So it is clear that since people are different from one another that their parenting styles will be different. But what parenting style is hurting one child’s development and well-being? For this assignment I read several articles about the different types of parenting styles and I have learned which type of parenting style helps or hurts a child’s development. â€Æ' Research Paper Parenting has changed over the years. ParentsRead MoreTaking a Look at Different Parenting Styles757 Words  | 3 Pagesway they do†(Belsky, 2005)? When it comes to parenting, the demeanor and strategies, in which parents practice, in order to efficiently integrate their children into society defines parenting style. Studies encompassing parenting styles show that no two styles are considered similar. Jay Belsky, professor of psychology, uses his process model of the determinants of parenting to emphasize, â€Å"the social-contextual factors and forces that shape parenting†(Belsky, 2005). According to Belsky, these parentalRead MoreHow Different Parenting Styles And Child Attachment Styles1795 Words  | 8 Pagesthis paper, I investigated the research question of how different parenting styles and child attachment styles play a role in the development of anxiety disorders. This research question is important because it can help us find ways to effectively preven t anxiety disorders early on and find effective ways of treating children and adolescents so that they do not develop disorders in the future (Schimmenti Bifulco, 2015, p. 42). Attachment styles are defined as the bond and the strong emotional connection
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Privacy and Citizens Data - 1498 Words
Introduction This is an era of massive violations of privacy rights and individual liberties due to the new technologies of surveillance, data mining, electronic monitoring, biometric chips, spamming, hacking, phishing, and security breaches at major private and public institutions. These new technologies make the protection of privacy rights far more difficult than in the pre-electronic past. Given the nature of the Internet, thousands or even millions of people can view these Twitter and Facebook postings in a very short time, and they can quickly go viral and spread globally almost overnight (Owyang and Milliken 2010). Governments collect data on the entire life cycles of individuals, from birth to death, as well as information on marriages, divorces, legal records, financial histories, voting, motor vehicles and property ownership. Those suspected of terrorist or subversive sympathies are subjected to far more intensive covert monitoring and investigation by the federal government, under the provisions of the Patriot Act. Banks, corporations and private organizations in general also collect an immense amount of personal and financial data for credit and marketing purposes. In short, these governmental and private organizations now have considerable power over individual autonomy and decision making thanks to these new technologies (Solove, 2006, p. 2). Social Networks Privacy The personal right to privacy is a modern concept and hardly existed anywhere inShow MoreRelatedInvasion Of Citizens Privacy On Digital Data1620 Words  | 7 PagesInvasion of Citizens’ Privacy on Digital Data In today’s world, people tend to run the majority of their daily errands through the internet. It is very easy, convenient, and it saves a lot of time. In one hour someone can make a deposit into his personal bank account, order a medical prescription, pay bills, apply for a loan, get some shopping, and more. All it takes for a customer to be able to do this is having an account with each of these company’s websites. Creating an account is usually a veryRead MoreDigital Data And The Internet1611 Words  | 7 Pagesusername and a password to be in a position to return to the website. This data provided by the consumer is called: digital data or digital information, which is just any kind of information in digital format. Digital data can be public or private, it can be kept by the medical providers, banks, government, and other organizations; as well as an easily available on the internet on social media websites, etc. However is our data really secure? Along with its many advantages, the advancement of technologyRead MoreUsing Digital Data Or Digital Information1262 Words  | 6 Pagesdigital data or digital information, which is simply any kind of information in digital format. Digital data can be public or private, it can be kept by the government, banks, medical providers, and other institutions; as well as a freely available on the internet on websites like myspace.com, facebook, LinkedIn, etc. But is our data really safe?Along with its many benefits, the march of technology makes an encompassing surveillance network seem almost inevitable. We owe much of the privacy we haveRead MoreUsing Digital Data Or Digital Information1727 Words  | 7 Pagesdigital data or digital information, which is simply any kind of information in digital format. Digital data can be public or private, it can be kept by the government, banks, medical providers, and other institutions; as well as a freely available on the internet on websites like myspace.com , Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. But is our data really safe? Along with its many benefits, the march of technology makes an encompassing surveillance network seem almost inevitable. We owe much of the privacy we haveRead MoreThe For The Safe Harbour Agreement Essay1569 Words  | 7 Pagesdiscuss pros and cons of the safe harbour agreement. Introducing Safe Harbour Agreement On October 1998, data protection came into effect by the directors of European Commission. It prohibits transferring of personal data from European countries to non-European countries if they do not meet the European standards. The United States taken a different approach to protect the citizens’ data. Both European Union and United states shared the same goal. To bridge the difference between EU and US, theyRead MoreUnited States Of America Safe From Foreign Threats Is Far From An Easy Task1461 Words  | 6 PagesNational Security Agency [NSA] are known to have invaded our privacy through our connection to technology. The NSA has publicly admitted to the surveillance. Due to media coverage, the NSA is often viewed as the main agency that bulk collects data. Emails, phone calls, and even our text messages have been surveilled under an NSA program known as â€Å"PRISM†(â€Å"Domestic Surveillance Techniques†). Everyday government organizations invade our privacy for the sake of national security in an attempt to defendRead MoreThe World Of 1984 Scared Me1442 Words  | 6 Pageshorrific terror attacks of 2001. This cleared the way for warrantless, unlawful tracking of American cit izens. Initially, the program collected only the data of high-risk individuals in America with direct links to Al-Qaeda. Now, however, government data collection has spread to millions of otherwise innocent citizens. Government surveillance is a direct violation of the privacy of American citizens that is dangerous, immoral, and unlawful. It is important to realize the dangers of government surveillance;Read MoreThe Creation Of A Surveillance State1449 Words  | 6 Pageshorrific terror attacks of 2001. This cleared the way for warrantless, unlawful tracking of American citizens. Initially, the program collected only the data of high-risk individuals in America with direct links to Al-Qaeda. Now, however, government data collection has spread to millions of otherwise innocent citizens. Government surveillance is a direct violation of the privacy of American citizens that is dangerous, immoral, and unlawful. It is important to realize the dangers of government surveillance;Read MoreThe Great Debate : Privacy Vs National Security1055 Words  | 5 PagesApril 2016 The Great Debate: Privacy vs National Security In the digital age, the citizens of the United States are torn between which they value more: privacy or national security. On one hand, the people need to be safe from cyber attacks and terrorism, while on the other, the government should be aware of the privacy of the people it governs. The government should not go so far in protecting the country that it interferes with the personal lives of the citizens. There needs to be an even balanceRead MoreThe Value Of Digital Privacy In An Information Technology Age1799 Words  | 7 PagesValue of Digital Privacy in an Information Technology Age Introduction Individual citizens rights to digital privacy continue to be to challenged by the increasing need for national security one the one hand, and the increasing digital vigilance many companies are putting into place to protect themselves while learning more about their customers. These factors are a volatile catalyst that continues to change the ethical, legal and personal landscape rights of digital privacy in the information
Self Concept Free Essays
The notion of self-concept was first introduced by Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslowâ€â€how people perceive themselves as pertaining to their capabilities, attitude, values, and uniqueness (Pastorin Doyle-Portillo, 2013). Subsequently, the establishment of Self-Perception Theory (i.e. We will write a custom essay sample on Self Concept or any similar topic only for you Order Now , individuals use their overt behavior to make inferences about or justify their inner feelings Bem,1972), paved a way for the emergence of several competing theories of self-perception in the area. Researchers have offered many models and ideas in relation to student’s perceptions of their age-related academic abilities and experiences. With regards to students’ academic learning, a wide range of concepts (e.g., self-efficacy, self-concept) are used to elucidate students’ self-perceptions of their performances associated with their academic achievement. Self-efficacy refers to domain-general self-concept which reveals student’s evaluation of his or her academic competence in different subjects (e.g., I am good at most school subjects); whereas self-concept refers to domain-specific self-concept which reflects student’s judgement of his her ability in a specific academic subject area, such as mathematics/ English (e.g., I am good at mathematics/English, Craven ; Marsh, 2008). However, in the present discussion, domain-specific academic self-concept is the center of discussion. In educational psychology, self-concept is conceptualized as an individuals’ general perceived ability and motivation to learn and stand out academically (Guay, Marsh, Boivin, 2003; Marsh et al., 2005). It also described the students’ subjective beliefs concerning their strengths and weaknesses in different school subjects as well (Wolff, Helm, et al., 2018). Shavelson et al. (1976) theorized that academic self-concept is multilayered, suggesting students may perhaps recognize competence for particular domains. That is, students’ self-concept could differ relative to specific subject domains, for instance, math self-concept could be defined as the students’ confidence that they can succeed in math, and verbal self-concept referred learners beliefs that they can excel in reading performance (Marsh ; Martin, 2011; Marsh ; Redmayne, 1994). In the present dissertation, borrowed from Marsh et al. (2005) academic self-concept refers to the student’s perceived academic competence to specific subjects (e.g., verbal or math). On the other hand, academic achievement literally refers to student’s level of competence, control, or self-confidence in a particular domain, and success in educational attainment is closely tied to academic self-concept (Schiefele, Schaffner, Mà ¶ller, ; Wigfield, 2012). Academic self-concept formation basically rooted in social comparisons, i.e., students use the achievement of relevant others (in school, usually their classmates) as a frame of reference to evaluate or judge their own achievement level (Seaton, Marsh, ; Craven, 2010). A plethora of literature has addressed the relationship between academic self-concept and achievement. Studies have been elucidated the substantial influence of academic self-concepts on achievement (Huang, 2011; Marsh et al., 2005; Valentine, DuBois, ; Cooper, 2004). For example, when students are self-confident in their achievement to be academically effective, their self-concept will impact their interest, making them happier about learning. At the point when children demonstrate premium or fervor for learning they will probably turn out to be internally motivated to learn, which will prompt them to push for objectives of scholastic magnificence (Frenzel, Pekrun, ; Goetz, 2007; Pinxten, Marsh, De Fraine, Van Den Noortgate, ; Van Damme, 2014; Rittmayer ; Beier, 2009). For teachers and parents, the establishment of a strong academic self-concept should be the first priority over the promotion of the longevity of academic achievement (Marsh et al., 2005). As the knowledge of students perceptions of their own academic competencies, feelings, and experiences are significant for their perceptions will impact how they in turn worth academics. And, students’ significance of academics will eventually decide how well or ineffectively they perform academically (Peterson Miller, 2004). To this end, the overall achievement motivation relations are highlighted; however, it is imperative to understand the complex developmental relationships between academic self-concept and achievement. Hence, in the upcoming sections of this dissertation, first, three major theoretical explanations (i.e., REM, I/EM, and RI/EM) between academic self-concept and achievement discussed with their empirical evidence. Second, relevant domain specific moderators (ethnic background and sex of students) that affect the relationships of academic self-concept and achievement would be addressed in different school subjects (verbal and math). Finally, the research gaps of the present thesis were identified to. Within Domain Developmental Relations Between Academic Self-Concept and Achievement Reciprocal effect model: The REM is a reconciliation of the two classical opposing â€Å"either or†views, that is, either earlier achievement determines later academic self-concept via social comparison process (skill development model) or prior academic self-concept determines subsequent achievement directly or via academic choice behavior, higher aspirations, effort, and investment (self-enhancement model). However, the REM merging the two models and claimed that earlier academic achievement affects later academic self-concept, and in the same vein, prior academic self-concept affects subsequent academic achievement (Marsh Craven, 2006). Abundant of studies reported the close relation between academic self-concept and achievement for primary education (e.g., Guay et al., 2003; Helmke Van Aken, G, 1995), for secondary school education (e.g., Marsh et al., 2005; Retelsdorf, Kà ¶ller, Mà ¶ller, 2014), for complete overview see (Huang, 2011; Marsh Martin, 2011; Valentine, DuBois, Cooper, 2004). Overall, studies reveal that the REMs find strong support when the corresponding academic self-concept and achievement is domain specific (e.g., math or verbal), and when educational progress is determined by grades and teachers feedback (Huang, 2011; Valentine et al., 2004). However, despite studies increasingly endorsing REM, the results concerning the direction, strength, and significance have been mixed. Apparently, although totally balanced academic self-concept and competence relations are desired, these are seldom found in the literature. In primary education, reciprocal relations were obtained inconsistently, especially for very young children (see, Chapman Tunmer, 1997; Skaalvik Valà ¥s, 1999), which could be partly attribute to the prematurity of children’s self-concept, as academic self-concept become more firmly established and stable with age (Chen et al., 2013). In secondary education, most individual studies have included only one of the indicators of achievement (i.e., mostly grade, and seldom test scores), and actually none have juxtaposed the two in relation to developmental perspective at a latent level using longitudinal data in a heterogeneous sample of secondary school students (Marsh et al., 2017; Sewasew, Schroeders, Schiefer, Weirich, ; Artelt, 2018). Overall, investigation of the REM with rigorous statistical analysisâ€â€particularly applied the current state of the art i.e., using item response theory for achievement measure and maintaining longitudinal and multi-group measurement invariance testing are barely found in the literature. Across Domain Developmental Relations Between Academic Self-Concept and Achievement Internal/External frame of reference: The development of academic self-concepts is grounded on a number of judgement procedures comparing a certain target with a certain standard (Wolff, Nagy, Helm, ; Mà ¶ller, 2018). For instance, the I/EM hypothesizes that students form their self-concept in an academic domain (e.g., math or verbal) by comparing their own achievement (target) concurrently to an external standard (e.g., the achievement of their classroom friends, social comparison, Festinger, 1954) along with to an internal standard (e.g., their own achievement in other domains, dimensional comparison, Mà ¶ller ; Marsh, 2013). Stating in a developmental perspective of I/EM assumptions, negative cross-domain effects between verbal/math achievement on contrasting subsequent academic self-concepts (internal frame of reference effects), and positive within-domain effects between verbal/math achievement and the corresponding subsequent self-concept (external frame of reference effects). In light of the most comprehensive meta-analysis (i.e., Mà ¶ller et al., 2009), integrated the results of 68 data sets with more than 125,000 participants providing strong evidence for the I/EM. Besides, concerning the achievement measures, the I/EM relations were found both when achievements (i.e., math and verbal) were measured with grades, and when this was done with standardized test results (Mà ¶ller et al., 2009; Wolff, Nagy, et al., 2018). Despite there has been growing support for predications based on the I/EM by many different methodological approaches: experimental studies (Mà ¶ller ; Kà ¶ller, 2001; Mà ¼ller-Kalthoff et al., 2017; Pohlmann ; Mà ¶ller, 2009; Wolff, Helm, et al., 2018), cross-sectional (Lohbeck ; Mà ¶ller, 2017; Marsh ; Hau, 2004; Pinxten et al., 2015), and longitudinal field studies (Chen et al., 2013; Mà ¶ller et al., 2011; Mà ¶ller, Zimmermann, ; Kà ¶ller, 2014; Niepel et al., 2014; Wolff et al., 2018). Moreover, the I/EM has been extended to different domains than math and verbal (Jansen, Schroeders, Là ¼dtke, ; Marsh, 2015; Mà ¶ller, Streblow, Pohlmann, ; Kà ¶ller, 2006). None withstanding this large body of research, with few exceptions (e.g., Wolff, Helm, et al., 2018) the I/E has rarely been examined in primary school longitudinallyâ€â€predominantly ones that have also estimated the reciprocal relations of academic self-concept and achievement. Within and Across Domain Developmental Relations Between Academic Self-Concept and Achievement Reciprocal Internal/External Model: This model is the latest one, which unifies dimensional comparison (i.e., students compare their performance across two different domains, usually math and verbal), temporal comparison (i.e., students relate their current performance to prior performance in the same domain), and social comparison (i.e., students evaluate their performance in comparison to others). For example, students develop a higher academic self-concept if they judge their achievement superior in comparison (i.e., down comparison from a better-off target to a worse-off standard) with their classmates (social comparison, Festinger, 1954), with their prior achievement (temporal comparison, Albert, 1977), and with their achievement in other subjects (dimensional comparison, Mà ¶ller ; Marsh, 2013), and vice versa (Wolff et al., 2018). Integrating the I/EM and the REM complements the comparisons of each individual model and gives a full picture of the underlying processes (Marsh ; Kà ¶ller, 2004): the REM lacks the cross-domain perspective, while the I/EM disregards the developmental aspect and the self-enhancement effects. Remarkably, the RI/EM has only been tested with secondary school students in European countries. For German students, studies reported among others positive reciprocal effects of academic self-concept and achievement (grades) within a domain and negative effects of achievement on subsequent self-concepts across domains (see Mà ¶ller et al., 2011; Niepel et al., 2014). Similarly, Mà ¶ller et al. (2014) found positive longitudinal effects of achievement and self-concept within domains using grades and test-scores and negative effects of achievement on subsequent academic self-concept across domains. However, taking into account prior achievement the effects of academic self-concept on subsequent achievement across domains were near zero. In a sample of Taiwan students, Chen et al. (2013) longitudinally studied two cohorts of secondary school students and found reciprocal relations between math and Chinese. However, no negative cross-domain effects from prior achievement to subsequent academic self-concept were present. A latest longitudinal study with primary school students (Grade 4 and 5) in Germany (Wolff et al., 2018), replicated the typical pattern of I/EM results: strong positive paths from achievement (grades) to matching self-concepts (social comparison process) and moderate negative paths from achievement to non-matching self-concepts (dimensional comparison process). Moreover, in the longitudinal run, the authors found small positive effects from achievement to matching self-concepts (showing temporal evaluation processes within the subjects), and non-significant effects to non-matching self-concepts proved to be nonsignificant (signifying temporal comparison processes within the one domain do not affect self-concept formation in other domain). However, their study confined to grades as achievement measure, and the generalization of the RI/EM to test scores as achievement indicator is still pending in a primary school setting. Overall, a differing relation between academic self-concept and competence for primary and secondary school students is confirmed by a wide review of the literature. And, a number of reasons could be forwarded for these diverging results: a) different operationalization of academic achievement (grades vs. test-scores), b) the breadth of the definition of academic self-concept, for example, academic enjoyment and competence beliefs (Else-Quest, Hyde, ; Linn, 2010; Pinxten et al., 2014), as well as academic confidence (Else-Quest et al., 2010; Ganley ; Lubienski, 2016) as part of self-concept, c) different methodological approaches, that is linear regression with manifest indicators vs. latent variable modeling (Marsh et al., 2005; von Maurice, Dà ¶rfler, ; Artelt, 2014), d) the average ability level of the sample (e.g., academic track only, see also (Marsh et al., 2017), and e) design of the study, that is, cross sectional vs. longitudinal (Else-Quest et al., 2010; Marsh et al., 2005). 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Saturday, April 25, 2020
Unemployment and employment disparities free essay sample
While the education gap has been closed to a large extent, there is still a prevalence of low levels of education among the African Americans. However, these low levels of education cannot account for the racial gap when it comes to unemployment. The real cause is discrimination. It is common knowledge that in the labor markets of America, black Americans are less likely to be employed when compared with members from other racial groups. The reasons for this has been attributed to educational attainment with the schools in majorly-black districts underperforming in standardized tests. Another possible reason is the mass incarceration of the African Americans with statistics showing that around one in three black men spend time behind bars at some period in their lives which greatly interferes with their employment prospects negatively. Outright discrimination is however a major reason since there is racism among employers who are mostly white.Income, wealth and povertyAfrican Americans in the Unites States lag far behind the whites in economic well-being which is indicated in areas like wealth, income and home ownership. We will write a custom essay sample on Unemployment and employment disparities or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This trend has been continuous and the causative factors which are not addressed set the cycle in motion. These disparities persist regardless of the level of education that the black Americans attain. The historic practice of neighborhood segregation and redlining which saw lack of investments and financial and social services in communities that had a high percentage of black residents still continues. Even though the poverty gap has narrowed, the African Americans are still more likely to live in poverty and receive low incomes. The majority of those who seek for food help from the food banks are black people (MacLeod, 2013). Racial discrimination has been a major reason why some African Americans face a challenge getting ahead in the United States since they are treated unfairly when applying for services like mortgages and jobs.Social problemsWhile the law may make equal provisions for African Americans with the rest of the community living in the United States, the whole edifice of institutions both public and private is socialized in a way that disadvantages the African American community. The major reason of all the problems faced by the African American community is systemic racism which makes life harsh for the minorities. Many individuals on the giving end do not even discover this racial discrimination since it is accepted and considered as normal. Also among themselves, the lack of a family structure that has a majority of the African American children being illegitimate has affected the social fabric of the community negatively and results to psychological issues for the children later in life .The social organization of the nation has seen the most dangerous cities to be those that have a high African American population. Cities like Oakland, Baltimore and Detroit that experience gang violence and crime as an everyday occurrence have African Americans making up the majority of the population. However, African Americans have overcome social discrimination in institutions like slavery and legalized racism by the Jim Crow laws up to the election of a black president. This means that also in social problems, there is continued progress which will translate into equal treatment over time even though it may take long.EducationWhile Brown v Board of Education was unanimous that segregation of children in public schools was unconstitutional, the debate still continues as to how to deal with the racial inequalities that are inherent in the school system and are largely driven by residential patterns and differences in the resources available between the schools in the wealthier and economically disadvantaged regions across the nation.Political issues, Police Brutality and Mass IncarcerationThe African American community has been at the forefront when it comes to fighting the cause of equal rights for the black American. However when it comes to mainstream politics, in areas that matter the most like law making, the African American is at a disadvantage. Theres have been a trend of high profile questionable deaths that have involved the police which led to the Black Lives Matter movement. While the United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world, a disproportionate amount of these people are African Americans which can be seen as a new form of the Jim Crow segregation where blacks move from high school into prison (Marable, 2015). come up with something add to the foot ball playerVoting rightsAfrican Americans still face problems when voting in spite of the 1965 voting rights act that gave them an equal protected opportunity to vote. The blacks go through discrimination in the voting process when they are asked for identification on a stricter basis than the whites. Sometimes, African Americans when trying to vote are confused with convicted felons because of the assumption that they have criminal tendencies (Ladson, Gloria and Williams, 2016). come up with something add to people with felony cant voteConclusionIt is no doubt that the African American community living in the United States has made significant strides towards achieving equality with their white counterparts. This has been reflected in the laws passed by congress as well as the rulings by the highest court in America. These advancements however do not reflect the same level of success when it comes to the social institutions. In education, empl oyment and politics, there are still visible racial differences with the African Americans not being able to fully exercise their rights. These discrepancies may be attributed to many factors but it is evident that the African American community faces these challenges because of racism. The solution is to make the Americans aware of this culture that has been deeply embedded in the institutions in society so that it can be weeded out.
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